Warts and papillomas, the choice of means for treatment

Review of effective remedies for warts and papillomas

Papilloma virus is easy to catch. It can be transmitted through kissing, having sex, or even touching an infected person. In most people, the infection is suppressed by the immune system. However, favorable factors can activate the virus and begin to trigger the growth of skin cells.

Most HPV masses are benign. They do not require forced removal, but they usually cause great discomfort. In this case, you can get rid of skin growth in the clinic or use a home remedy for warts and papillomas.

Traditional and folk medicine offers many options for dealing with papilloma virus protrusions in the epidermis. Before using them, the main thing is to accurately determine the origin of the formation on the skin, so as not to harm yourself.

Pharmacy preparations

There are a wide variety of medicines designed to remove warts and papillomas. Using external agents helps to cleanse the skin quickly. They can be given in the following format:

  • solution;
  • gel, cream, ointment;
  • gypsum;
  • aerosol.

Pills help eliminate not only the defect, but also the causes that caused it. Some stimulate the immune system, others have a pronounced antiviral effect.

There are many medications available to treat warts and papillomas.


Many liquid skin cleansers have a cauterizing effect. Before removing papillomas or warts with their help, you should lubricate the skin around the growths with zinc paste. This will help prevent burns if the corrosive liquid is accidentally spilled on healthy tissue.

Some solutions have keratolytic (softening) effects. They gradually eliminate warts and papillomas, providing a softer effect than cauterizing agents. After it is applied, tissue death begins layer by layer.

Attention!If the etching compound comes into contact with the skin, wash off immediately. Clean running water is used for this. After cleansing the epidermis is treated with a healing ointment for a few days!

Ointments, creams, gels

Warts and papilloma cannot be removed with just one solution. There are drugs that have a thicker base: special ointments and gels that have an antiviral effect. The most suitable medication will be recommended by a specialist.

Freezing preparations

A good remedy to get rid of warts and papillomas at home is special freezing agents whose active ingredients are refrigerants. When they come into contact with the skin, they freeze the tissue. After that, there is a gradual death of the abnormal cells, as a result of which the formation disappears.

Freezing agents for papillomas and warts should not be used for treatment:

  • pregnant women;
  • breastfeeding women;
  • people with diabetes;
  • babies under four years old.

Freezing agents are applied to the applicator applied to skin growth to remove warts and papillomas. The exposure time of the refrigerants is specified in the instructions. It depends on the size and location of the training.


bump should disappear from the skin two weeks after treatment. If the problem area is not cleaned, the procedure is repeated.

It can take up to three frostbites to destroy severely hardened warts. This is the maximum possible number of repetitions of the procedure. If the formation cannot be reduced, you should consult a doctor to adjust the method of treatment.

Smoothing patches

There are many effective remedies that help remove warts on your soles. They come in the form of custom patches.

Removing plantar warts at home with patches is as follows:

  • Foot gives good steam.
  • A piece is cut from the keratolytic adhesive plaster. It should cover the tubercle and not stick to healthy tissue.
  • A normal adhesive plaster is placed on top of it.

Overlay must be renewed every two days. You no longer need to steam your legs.

Attention!The wart surface will slowly peel off. After the formation has completely disappeared, a small fossa may remain at the base. Over time, the skin surface becomes even!


medicines for the treatment of warts

Systemic medications are prescribed to eliminate the main cause of papillomas and warts - the human papilloma virus.

The drug should be combined with external treatment of warts.

Experts recommend treating papillomas with warts with systemic drugs, parallel processing of tubercles with external agents. With such an integrated approach, the highest effect of drug therapy is achieved.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers many ways to cleanse the skin. The recipes describe in detail how to get rid of papillomas and wart growths at home.

Folk remedies for removing skin lesions caused by the papilloma virus are made on the basis of inexpensive and affordable ingredients. Vinegar, eggs, onions, celandine, walnuts and Kalanchoe are often used.

The following folk remedies are very popular:

  • Garlic ointment.You need vinegar essence and oil to prepare it. Oatmeal is made from a clove of garlic. A teaspoon of lard and acetic acid are added to this. The resulting ointment is quite simple to apply - applied to the wart or papilloma at night. A piece of bandage fixed with adhesive plaster is placed on the application area. The procedure is repeated every day until the epidermis is completely cleared.
  • Onion ointment.This folk remedy is prepared with the addition of honey. It cannot be used by people who are allergic to bee waste products. To prepare the ointment, onion juice is used, mixed with honey in a ratio of 2: 1. The composition is applied to the problem area of ​​the skin, leaving it overnight. It is placed on top of gauze fixed with a bandage or plaster. The process is repeated until the buildup disappears.
  • Egg white.It is applied to the skin tubercle in pure form. After one layer dries, the next layer is spread. The procedure is repeated for a few days. After a while, the wart will disappear.
  • Recipes for folk remedies for warts
  • Celandine.The plant is cut close to the root. A wart or papilloma is smeared every three hours in its bright yellow juice. A week after such procedures, the scheme changes. Juice is applied three times a day. One month after such treatment, the growth on the skin should disappear.

Treatment with folk remedies for warts and papillomas is not very welcome by doctors. Many experts consider any methods from the arsenal of alternative medicine to be ineffective and prefer pharmaceutical preparations.

Is it possible to choose the right vehicle yourself

It is a pointless and dangerous exercise to remove skin growths without first consulting a doctor. A person without a special medical education cannot reliably determine the origin of the pathology that has arisen in order to determine its type. It is these two criteria that directly affect the choice of a remedy for papillomas and warts.

Only a dermatologist can determine the correct causes of occurrence. After all, bumps in the epidermis are not only caused by the human papilloma virus. With the help of laboratory studies, the nature of the appearance of the anomaly is determined precisely. Professional diagnosis allows you to exclude:

  • malignant tumor;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • warts with syphilitic nature.

Additionally, a dermatologist is well aware of the differences between papillomas and warts. This is important when choosing an effective remedy to combat them. It will notice various features of the structure:

  • form;
  • outline features;
  • localization;
  • color and size variability;
  • additional feelings in the problem area.

Important!Only after a precise determination of the causes of the appearance and the type of occurrence, the specialist will confidently tell you how to get rid of warts and papillomas at home!

It should not be forgotten that removing the growths by external means does not always solve the problem completely. After all, these drugs for papillomas and warts are not removed from the body from the virus itself that causes the skin anomaly. Only comprehensive treatment will help to get rid of the pathology completely. The skin will be cleansed and the appearance of new formations will be excluded.